I am a mother of three girls all delivered vaginally by a midwife in a hospital. Each of my births were unique and a special experience.
I believe every woman is naturally equipped and capable to labor and deliver naturally whether at home or in a hospital and whether by a doctor or a midwife. I also believe there is much a woman can do to work with her body throughout the pregnancy and labor to prepare her body for the job of birthing.
I believe a Doula is essential to the birthing mother and her partner in laboring and birthing naturally. I believe in as little to no medical interventions as possible. My desire is for every mother to remember the day of her child's birth as special memory without pain or fear. My personal approach is very peaceful, verbal with encouragement and suggestions and hands-on, always engaging the partner in their role during the entire process. My focus is not only the birthing mother, but her partner and baby as well.
I have attended countless births and have personally assisted home births, water births, deliveries at birthing centers and hospitals as well as successful vbacs.